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Board of Trustees

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Board of Trustees List page
Name Position Age Job Education Period
Peter Chung Chairman 63 Archbishop of Seoul Pontifical Biblical Institute in
Rome, Italy
2024. 4. 4.~2029. 4. 3.
Paul Lee Executive Trustee 64 Auxiliary Bishop of Seoul Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, Italy 2024. 4. 15.~2029. 4. 14.
Timothy Yu Trustee 62 Auxiliary Bishop of Seoul Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology in Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2024. 4. 4.~2029. 4. 3.
Job Koo Trustee 73 Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Seoul Catholic University of Paris,
2022. 9. 7.~2027. 9. 6.
Dominic Jung Trustee 61 Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Seoul Graduate School of the Catholic University of Korea 2020. 12. 12.~2025. 12. 11.
Michael Choi Trustee 60 President of the Catholic
University of Korea
Graduate School, The Catholic
University of America, USA
2025. 1. 20.~2030. 1. 19.
Eric Cho Trustee 54 Principal of Dongsung
High School
Graduate School, The Catholic University of America, USA 2023. 3. 26.~2028. 3. 25.
Columba Min Trustee 61 Principal of Gyeseong
High School
Sogang University Graduate
School of Education
2022. 3. 9.~2027. 3. 8.
Maria Kim Trustee 77 Sister of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus(RSCJ) Ewha Graduate School of
2024. 6. 19.~2029. 6. 18.
Theophilus Kim Trustee 72 President of Dongshin Hospital Education The Catholic University of Korea 2022. 3. 15.~2027. 3. 14.
Silvanus Park Trustee 69 President of Order of Malta Korea Education Boston University 2022. 3. 9.~2027. 3. 8.
Luke Kang Trustee 68 Medical Director of Cheongju St. Mary’s Hospital The Catholic University of Korea 2023. 8. 4.~2028. 8. 3.
Paul Kim Trustee 67 Management Consultant of
SK Hynix
Korea University 2022. 12. 19.~2027. 12. 18.
Benedict Shin Trustee 66 Lawyer, Kim & Chang Seoul National University School of Law 2022. 3. 15.~2027. 3. 14.
Stephen Sung Trustee 64 Legal Adviser of
Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
Yonsei University Graduate School 2021. 2. 26.~2026. 2. 25.
Peter Hwang Trustee 60 Representative Attorney of
Haegwang LLC
Seoul National University School of Law 2023. 4. 18.~2028. 4. 17.
Thomas Kim Auditor 61 Procurator of the Archdiocese of Seoul Graduate School of the Catholic University of Korea 2023. 3. 24.~2026. 3. 23.
Ignatius Lee Auditor 77 CEO of Grant Thornton Daejoo Yonsei University 2022. 12. 19.~2025. 12. 18.